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Tails of Woe (BluePearl Peoria)

19-17 A dog gets hit by a car and almost gets euthanized in what looks like an emergency shakedown
Christine Sullivan, BluePearl Peoria
19-88 An emergency and referral center loses a complainant's dog and then tries to upsell her on surgery
Klayton Lapa, BluePearl Peoria
20-08 A belated follow-up to a previous case in which a dog escaped the doors of a referral hospital
Sandy Landry, BluePearl Peoria
20-73 A dog dies from bloat after waiting for hours at a referral center that didn't have a surgeon: Part I
Kathryn McAdam, BluePearl Peoria
20-74 A dog dies from bloat after waiting for hours at a referral center that didn't have a surgeon: Part II
Brandeice Garza, BluePearl Peoria
20-75 A dog dies from bloat after waiting for hours at a referral center that didn't have a surgeon: Part III
Sandy Landry, BluePearl Peoria
20-90 A dog goes to a confused and overworked referral center for lethargy and bloating and gets a nail trim
Sandy Landry, BluePearl Peoria
21-98 A nine-month-old puppy gets the full candy-conglomerate pet care experience before dying
Dino Hererra Zaragoza, BluePearl Peoria
21-104 Investigators are cool when 3 vets and a radiologist slowly kill a cat with a misplaced feeding tube
Hannah Blackman, BluePearl Peoria
22-31 A board-initiated investigation into BluePearl triage practices features a repeat respondent
Jared Brethouwer, BluePearl Peoria
22-32 A muzzled dog drops dead from acute aspiration pneumonia while a vet comes up with a treatment plan
Chris Simpson, BluePearl Peoria